Like many other illustrators, I’m taking a look back at some of the work I did this year. I’ve been incredibly lucky to have worked with lovely clients and had brilliant projects, including working on four books, which seems truly amazing now.
That’s me in the middle picture with my mid-year bowl haircut.
Here’s my mini-review of the year or illustration:
1. My own baby “Scout’s Best Day Ever” was published in March or April (can’t remember, but I know there were no shops open 😂 ) Thank you so much @theobrienpress !
2. Girls Play Too 2 – the follow-up to the very successful Girls Play Too from last year. Written by @jacquihurley Thank you so much Jacqui and @merrion_press !
3. Ireland – The People, The Places, The Stories, written by Rachel Pierce and illustrated by 10 Irish illustrators. Thank you so much @scholasticinc !
4. Blot’s Most Marvellous Historical Guide To Making Books. What a treat it was to work on this book and the accompanying exhibition. Looking forward to promoting the exhibition next year when we can all get out and about a bit more. Thank you so much @nationalprintmuseum !
5. Towers And Tales map and workshops. One of the (if not THE) best children’s books festival in the world. Thank you @towersandtales for including me this year.
6. Libraries Ireland reading festivals. This year I illustrated four posters for Spring, Summer Stars, Children’s Book Festival and Family Time At The Library. Thank you Southern agency and thank you so much @librariesireland !
7. Dublin Book Festival – another unexpected treat I got to work on the illustrated poster. Thank you so much @dublinbookfest !
8. Thank you @energiaireland for all the Ireland map work.
I worked on several other projects this year, and I’m grateful for them all. It was a pretty amazing year for me professionally as an illustrator.
Finally, thank you to everyone who liked, loved, haha’d and commented on my posts.
Have a very Happy New Years Eve everyone and here’s to a great 2022. xxx Jen