Take The Lead
How To Train Your Dog
Written by Elena Browne, designed and illustrated by Jennifer Farley.
I designed the book to appeal to young readers and as a dog-lover myself, I hope the illustrations convey the fun of looking after dogs.

Take The Lead – How To Train Your Dog
How to be your best friend’s best friend
For thousands of years, dogs and people have looked after each other, played, grown and learned together. It is the greatest friendship that there is.
Introducing children to the responsibility and fun that comes with owning a dog. From exercise and play to comfort and care this book is an ideal guide for children who already have a dog, would like a dog or love learning about dogs. Dogs and children can be great friends and having a dog can help children develop kindness, understanding and respect for all living things. Dog companionship can improve a child’s social skills with people and caring for a pet can encourage responsibility.
The aim of this book is to keep child and dog safe and happy as well as promoting animal welfare.
This fun and engaging guide will teach you
how to choose your dog and find a perfect name
how dogs think
training, tricks and play
grooming, health and nutrition
how to be the best dog owner you can be
The essential guide if you have, or are thinking of getting a dog.
Available from all good book stores and from O’Brien Press.

Take The Lead Reviews
this is an excellent handbook for those who are looking for a four-legged addition to grow their family, detailing everything from choosing a breed to grooming to health and well-being … peppered with interesting asides …This modern, colourful guide is a delight to read will help children become responsible owners to happier, healthier dogs. The vivid illustrations are simply adorable and show the joy and excitement pets bring to homes. Take the Lead has a wealth of knowledge and the imagery, gentle tone and playful layout of information (such as boxes and lists) mean it is accessible and suitable for children of all ages. Parents can also be reassured that readers’ safety is recognised throughout and the importance of seeking advice from vets where necessary
from working out if you and your family are ready for a dog, to choosing the right breed, this attractive pocket-sized paperback is full of useful information for young dog owners. It covers all kinds of practical things from naming your dog, to the hows and whys of setting house rules for both dogs and humans, and it also includes lots of important and easy-to-follow training tips. The friendly-looking, colourful illustrations by award-winning illustrator Jennifer Farley add to the book’s appeal, and it comes with a recommendation from dog trainer and vet, Gillian Hick
Irish Independent
it is a truth universally acknowledged, that a small child in possession of anyone to pester, must be in want of a dog. Thanks to Take the Lead, a lovely new book by Elena Browne, and endorsed by vet Gillian Hick, you can make sure your child knows what they’re talking about when they say “but I PROMISE to look after it all by myself!”
Irish Times
really helpful – great lil book for all new dog owners’
Lottie Ryan
a lovely book … lovely illustrations
Today FM
Ian Dempsey’s Breakfast Show
If you’re considering getting a dog or would like to continue training your dog, then Take the Lead by Elena Browne and illustrated by Jennifer Farley is the ideal guide for you and your canine companion to enjoy … Celebrating the history of ‘man’s best friend’ Take the Lead is a practical guide for anyone hoping to get a dog or already an experienced dog owner looking to increase their knowledge and skills. From cover to cover, this is a fun, uplifting and engaging book. An ideal gift, but also a perfect addition to any classroom and home. Elena Browne’s warm and encouraging text is a perfect complement to Jennifer Farley’s entertaining and exuberant illustrations, which are sure to make you smile. There’s also an array of gorgeous photos of dogs of all shapes, sizes and breeds; crossed, mixed and pedigrees. The information is succinct, and the simple and colourful layout is ideal for emerging readers 7+. Take the Lead is a guide to treasure. It’s sure to be a big hit!
RTEjr’s Book Club
a colourful factfile for any age
Irish Examiner
What a wonderful read and fantastic gift for all ages about caring for dogs properly….. I loved it
wonderful illustrations … beautiful illustrations … a reference forever
Shannonside-Northern Sound’s Joe Finnegan Show
Available from all good book stores and from O’Brien Press