One lovely part of being a picture book author and illustrator is doing children’s workshops in schools, libraries and book festivals. Over the past few years, I’ve had some wonderful experiences drawing and reading with kids. I love their curiosity and their willingness to throw themselves into drawing without feeling self-conscious.
Kid’s Workshops are fully interactive and I encourage the children to draw along with me as we create pirate maps, dogs, monsters, astronauts and more. It’s all about self-expression!
I’m a huge believer in the importance of reading and drawing for children. I was lucky to get a very early start with books at home and with a wonderful teacher (Sr. Ita) in babies and high infants. Learning to read, and enjoy reading at an early age is a gift that keeps on giving.
Sample Children’s Workshops (ages 4 – 10 years)
- Drawing Animals – Based around the book “Wonder-Vet – The Amazing Adventures of Aleen Cust. The first female vet in Ireland and Great Britain“
- Draw A Fantasy Map – Based around the book “Island of Adventures“
- Make A Postcard – Based around the book “Scout’s Best Day Ever“
- Doggy Doodles – Based around the book “Scout’s Best Day Ever“
- Monster Drawing – draw some crazy beasties!
- Outer Space – Rockets and Astronauts – Based around the books “Shooting For The Stars” and “Astronaut Academy“
If you would like me to visit your school, library or festival event, please get in touch 🙂
Every Child A Reader With Children’s Books Ireland
Recently I was delighted to work with CBI and St. Clare’s National School in Ballyjamesduff. As a Champion of Reading I visited the school over a two month period, facilitating workshops with classes from high infants to fourth class.
“Every Child A Reader brings several Children’s Books Ireland school book-gifting programmes together under one name. Drawing on the organisation’s vision, we want every child in the selected schools to be reading more, enjoying reading more and reading more widely. We hope to enable positive, sustainable changes in these schools by providing brilliant books, engaging resources, and inspiring visits from Champions of Reading.”