I am so delighted to be a part of this group exhibition. I’m still working on my piece, but here’s the official blurb.
Illustrators Ireland celebrate the work of Tomi Ungerer
Saothar Tomi Ungerer á cheiliúradh ag Maisitheoirí Éirean
Opening 3 August, 6 pm with Aria Ungerer
Á sheoladh ar 3 Lúnasa, 6 pm ag Aria Ungerer
DLR LexIcon, Dún Laoghaire, A96 H283
3 August – 30 September 2023
3 Lúnasa – 30 Meán Fómhair 2023
Illustrators Ireland presents In Memory of the Future, an exhibition in celebration of renowned illustrator, Tomi Ungerer. As our first honorary member, Ungerer accepted his
place in Illustrators Ireland with grace and enthusiasm. Over 50 artists will participate by
sharing their interpretations of Ungerer’s work and responses to his influence. The show will
open 3 August and run through 30 September at the DLR LexIcon and it is free to the public.
I gcuimhne ar a bhfuil romhainn an teideal atá ar thaispeántas atá á eagrú ag Maisitheoirí Éireann
mar cheiliúradh ar shaothar Tomi Ungerer, an maisitheoir mór le rá. Ba é Ungerer an chéad bhall
oinigh a bhí ag Maisitheoirí Éireann agus is go fáilteach fonnmhar a ghlac sé lena áit san eagras.
Breis agus leathchéad ealaíontóir a bheidh páirteach sa taispeántas agus beidh a léamhsan ar
shaothar Ungerer agus ar an tslí ar tháinig siad faoina anáil á léiriú ann. Idir an 3 Lúnasa agus an 30
Meán Fómhair a bheidh an taispeántas ar bun, sa DLR LexIcon. Saorchead isteach