We had a sad ending to 2023 when we had to say goodbye to our gorgeous girl Juno on New Year’s Eve.
She exploded into our life in May 2018, coming from a rescue home in Mullingar, we could hear her bark before we even saw her.
I’ve been trying to think of words to describe her. All the usual ones apply – joy, love, mischief, but ultimately the word I think of to describe Juno is SUNSHINE. She was like the purest light. Patroling our garden, playing basketball, rugby, tennis – anything involving a ball, simply wagging her tail when you smiled at her.
Here’s a small photo homage to our beautiful girl.
1. Rarely seen without a ball.

2. Probably my favourite picture of her. Juno and Jason at the top of the Old Man of Torr on the Isle of Skye. We went to Scotland on our holidays because it was the only ferry trip across the Irish Sea that allowed us to bring her with us into the ferry lounge in her travel bag. One of our best holidays ever. People crossed the road to talk to us everywhere we went. Not really to talk to us, but to talk to Juno and to tell us about the West Highland Terriers they had once had. Pure Sunshine.

3. This is when she won Crufts.
Oh, hang on a minute, this is when she did her training with the DSPCA. She was of course, outstanding 😉

4. Otto passed about a year and a half ago, and a few months later, Betty came into our lives. Betty was very traumatised after a bad start and Juno has been her guide dog.

5. Juno and Betty in their fancy jumpers.

6. Juno supporting Ireland in the rugby.

7. Mistress of disguise. One day in the park we met a girl with two labradoodle puppies. She was giving her pups treats and Juno infiltrated the gang. Betty looks on and learns.

8. Lying in the door of my studio in the sun.

9. The last picture I took of her on New Year’s Eve. Still a golden ball of sun, but her little body knew it was time to go.

10. A drawing of Juno I included in my last book. The quote is from the most beautiful poem by @donnaashworthwords which gave me and Jason a lot of comfort. Thanks to my pal Avril for sending me the poem.
Goodbye little Juno, you’re the best girl. x