I illustrated the Dublin Book Festival poster in 2021 and it was so lovely to work with Julieanne and Louise again to update this year’s poster.
There are a number of new icons to represent some of the new venues for the festival. Dublin Castle and 1 WML Dublin are two of the iconic buildings where events will take place.
The illustrated icons are used on the website and in print – even a bus shelter (haven’t seen it yet)
DUBLIN BOOK FESTIVAL 2022 opens Tuesday 8th November with a huge array of events celebrating Ireland’s writers and publishers.
Explore Dublin with the Dublin Book Festival this year with events and activities popping up throughout our wonderful city – buildings, walkways, rivers, canals, gardens, bookshops and libraries, as we celebrate Ireland’s finest writers, artists and illustrators. Events will take place in person at venues across Dublin, including The Printworks in Dublin Castle, The National Gallery of Ireland, National Botanic Gardens, Royal Irish Academy, dlr LexIcon, The National Library of Ireland, 1 Windmill Lane, Chester Beatty, Dublin Port, Iveagh Gardens, MoLI and libraries across Dublin.
As well as attending some events I will also be doing a kids illustration workshop. More details soon!